…because every good antique has a splash of white paint on it somewhere!
We very much enjoy antiques…the history, the hands that so carefully fashioned the piece for use, the age and how it has held up, its commonality or uniqueness, searching for that ‘just right’ item…
One thing we have noticed, in particular with antique furniture, is that almost every single piece has a splash of white paint somewhere on it! My perfectionistic self feels annoyed and thinks, “why and how is this possible?” But as I thought for some time for a good name for an antique shop, or in this case, a portion of our website, White Paint Antiques really captured what so many antiques embody…somehow, somewhere, the piece became commonplace. They just weren’t quite as careful when they painted the room to not splash it on ‘that old furniture’. Or it was relegated to the garage where handyman work occurred, or it was used for storage instead of as a decor item…the list could go on. Where has this piece been? I wish I knew…
For us, antiques aren’t commonplace, but appreciated. See how we use antiques in every room of our house…sometimes for their original use and sometimes in a new way. But think with us the why and how they were originally made. Think of how much handwork went into that piece of furniture. Or how much time that antique sewing machine would save a housewife. Or how nice a metal container that sealed would be for storing kitchen staples…
Enjoy our pictures…exciting finds, before and after repairs and restorations, antiques around the home, and in addition, work on our biggest antique.. our 1918 house…
VISIT AGAIN…New pictures will be added! Also, see White Antique Blog posts below the gallery.